

Under the Gum Tree is a reader supported, quarterly literary arts magazine, publishing creative nonfiction and visual art in the form of a micro-magazine. We believe in the power of sharing a story without shame. Too much of the human experience gets hidden behind constructed facades based on what we perceive the world expects from us. Stop hiding. Live a story. Tell it without shame. And by without shame, we mean that the authors and contributors featured in our pages own their story, even the ugly parts, and share it with pure, unadulterated, raw, candid vulnerability.

Each issue of Under the Gum Tree includes seven–ten original nonfiction stories and personal essays, one photo essay, and one cover artist whose work is also featured throughout the interior pages. Some of our previous contributors include Peter Grandbois, Sheryl St. Germain, Brenda Miller, Samuel Autman, Penny Guisinger, Laurie Easter, Renée D’Aoust, and many others. We nominate for The Pushcart Prize every year and essays we have published have been listed as notable in The Best American Essays.

Get a free digital copy of our premiere issue by signing up for our newsletter.

What people are saying about Under the Gum Tree:

Thank you for producing such a beautiful and thoughtful journal! The print edition arrived yesterday and I am truly impressed and humbled to be a part of it.
Lindsey Smith
Under the Gum Tree has been a refreshment in my plugged-in, high speed world of information. Honest and human, it has made me much more aware of my own story and how my experiences are shaping who I am.
Ryan Walton
From the very first issue, UTGT has given me one of the things I love most in the world: stories of the full varieties of human experience shared with open vulnerability. You consistently produce a journal that is creative and elegant yet also simply human (in the best way).
Tara Ingram
I’m stoked on your writers in Under the Gum Tree as well as the magazine overall. I like what you’re doing, especially with MagCloud. After reading the premiere issue I bought Brenda Nakamoto’s Peach Farmer’s Daughter and I’m excited to see that you got a piece by Steve Almond in the second issue.
Chris Wiewiora